April Ministry Blog

April in Full Bloom 

Hi Everyone! So glad you made it back to another ministry update! I am thrilled to share what God has been doing this month. 

In preparing for this blog, I am reminded of John's words in his first epistle- 

We saw it, we heard it, and now we’re telling you so you can experience it along with us, this experience of communion with the Father and his Son, Jesus Christ. Our motive for writing is simply this: We want you to enjoy this, too. Your joy will double our joy! - 1 John 1:3-4 (MSG) 

I have been reflecting on the gift that it is to get to have encounters with God and how much of a blessing it is to get to share that witness with others. I join in with John in saying that communion with the Father and his Son have been experienced in so many special ways. 

Thank you for being part of this ministry and investing in the opportunities for college students to commune with Jesus! 

Impact Week 

As I mentioned in my blog from March, we had a week of impact in March. Our ministry hosted a long time partner ministry from Bellevue, Washington called Chi Alpha. A group of 11 students and 2 staff members support raised and traveled all the way to Dallas to join us in ministering to our students here at Collin College. These students sowed lots of prayer coming into the week and it was so neat to see how God answered prayers. 

Since Impact Week fell on Holy Week, we were able to incorporate some Easter-themed outreach events too. Inspired by John 13:2-17, our students and staff got to participate in a shoe cleaning event. It proved an opportunity to share with students that Jesus was the one who gave us the model of service. In another outreach day, our students got to walk around campus passing out Easter Eggs with candy and a verse about the Resurrection written on them. I got to catch up with a couple of the students from Washington and they were filled with so much excitement as they shared how they had tried to make their way to the library but ended up not completing their track because they kept having meaningful conversation after meaningful conversation with around 5 different people. 

For our fellowship gathering that week, we had a Western/Texan theme to give our friends a big howdy! It ended up being quite a packed house. The night was plentiful in worship and our hearts were edified as we continued making our way through our Mark series. Our after event included line dancing and late night Whataburger (a Texas staple). 

April's Blessings 

April continued to be full of exciting God-deals! 

It's hard to believe that the semester is just a couple of weeks away from being over! This month, there are few areas in which your prayer would be of great value. 
  • As the semester wraps up, please be praying for students that they can finish well. 
  • Please also join me in praying for a group of prospective leaders to Washington for a leadership training initiative. 
  • Lastly, as May approaches, please be praying for our ministers as we begin raising support for next year. Campus ministry truly takes a village to happen and your partnership has been evidence of that - thank you!

Grace and Peace in Christ, 

Tania Volosen 


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