September Ministry Update


September Ministry Update 

This year has kicked off to such an exciting start with lots of events, Bible studies, small groups, fellowship nights, and quality time! Through this busy season, I have gotten to share with students why I get to be on campus - because of the generous ministry partners who want students to know Jesus and experience a community rooted in Christ. Thank you for your faithfulness to Jesus and the ways you are investing in the lives of these college students! 

Each Thursday night, our ministry hosts a worship and fellowship in the back of the Cougar Café called "Thursday Night Fellowship". This school year, we have seen so many new students come each week excited for gathering. 

At the end of August we kicked off a sermon series about our three core values - Complete Devotion to Jesus, Real Friendships, and Raising Up Leaders. Throughout these sermons we would break out in discussion groups to talk about our reflections from the sermons. I got to hear students share how they aren't sure what they believe about Jesus, but that their friends invited them and they came and have kept coming because they are curious about Jesus and want to know more about Him. Other students have shared how they were eagerly hoping to find a Christian community to continue to grow in their faith while in college. Regardless of where students are in their faith journey, it has been so impactful to witness them come weekly. I've been reminded of how thankful I am for Jesus' availability to us. He is the Good Shepherd seeking both the 99 and the 1! 

This year I get to lead two small groups (cores) with my friend, Jacy! It has been the best time getting to meet and build friendships with these two groups of girls and see them connect with each other! I am so excited to continue to see these friendships blossom as they are molded around the way of Jesus. Though these are very different cores in sizes, they both have left me filled up with gratitude. There's a diversity in these cores that has already taught me so much about God's heart. 

One of my favorite parts about ministry is connecting with students one-on-one! I've been marked by the vulnerability of the different students that I meet with in how they have shared the highs and the lows. Meeting with so many different students has reminded me that God has already been at work in these students lives. I am just so thankful for the opportunity to meet them and walk with them in this particular season, sharing the journey alongside them.

 I have gotten to start studying our one-on-one Bible study, called Focus on Jesus (FOJ), with 6 different students this semester. In addition to meeting with the new students in core, I have also gotten the opportunity to connect with some of our returning students, like Kar Kar! Our returning students have done an awesome job of including the newer students into friendships!

Pray with me! 

  • Giving God so much praise for bringing together so many different kinds of people with various experiences to unite in knowing Jesus! Join me in praying for both those who are exploring their faith for the first time and those who desire to mature in their walk with the Lord.
  • As the changing schedules and added pressures start revving up, please join me in praying that students would only seek further refuge in Jesus and pursue community to build them up. 
  • Our annual Fall Retreat is coming up next month (October 19-20th)! Fall Retreat is a time where we invite students to retreat and come worship the Lord, learn about Jesus, and build friendships. Please join me in praying that students would desire to say "Yes" to this weekend and that seeds that are planted this weekend to produce a harvest of righteousness this school year. 
Grace and peace in abundance, 

1 Corinthians 1:27-31
But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him. It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption. Therefore, as it is written: “Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord."


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